Lots of changes happen this time of year--weather, trees,t.v. shows, work schedules, etc. For me it's the time to buckle down and get serious. I'm scheduling everything from classes, shows, movies, and shopping, to get everything done. As usual I've probably planned to make more than I can complete. However this is how I usually work. Anyway I'm buckling down!!!...
Another change is that I said "See you later!" to a friend and bear maker Milvi G. She was supposed to leave/move to Denver. I hope she had an uneventful trip (except for viewing lovely scenery). I', hoping to go visit her in the future...maybe coincide a trip with taking a class with Leslie Molen who is one of my favorite doll artist/teacher (I've taken 2 classes with her at the John C. Campbell Folk School in Brasstown N.C. My plan is to to take a class with her in May 2013?). It's a nice thought that Milvi can take classes in Denver. Anyway I hope M.G. is settling into her new home.
Now for some new changes...My Fall Schedule:
- 13-14 October-- Fyodor Mouse Class (See previous post)
- 3-4 November DC Big Flea
- 10 November-- Hunt Valley X-mas Holiday Teddy Bear Show and Sale
- 17-18 November-- 26th Annual Holiday Craft Show @ Fairfax High School
- 30 November-2 December-- McLean Holiday Craft Show