Seasons Greetings to family, friends, and bear lovers. I hope and pray for all to have a wonderful holiday season. I'd like to thank all of you who have given homes to my bears and animals. I'm very excited about 2013. My first show will be the DC Big Flea the first weekend of January... I'm in the same spot in Aisle I. I'll also be in Timonium Maryland @ the Teddy Spring Show at the Holiday Inn on April 6, 9-3. Also I'll be taking bunnies to the Frizellburg Antique Store (TBA).
I'll also be working on the gallery piece for TBAI. Check that website at the end of March. I'll also be going back to the John C. Campbell Folk School (NC) in May to make another doll with Leslie Molen. ( There will be a March and May DC Big Fleas in the mix). There are also photo contributions to publications, like Soft Doll and Animal and Art doll Quarterly. So visit me at the shows, lots of new stuff planned and events to look forward to.
Bear Hugs,