I will start taking orders Friday November 4th at 8AM
HOW TO ORDER : I will be taking orders over the phone. I accept check and credit card (Visa, MasterCard, and American Express). Checks will need to be mailed to me before I can send your order. Call me at (703) 431-2089. I look forward to hearing from you.
"Sinaru" (Sold)
"Sinaru" is a Fine example of a polar bear from arctic Alaska. Her name was discovered while perusing the atlas for a suitable name.
She is made of mohair and is fully jointed. She is stuffed with Poly-fil® and has glass eyes. Her pads are black suede. She has metallic-black glass bead necklace around neck. She is 12 inches tall.
Price: $140.00
(Shipping and Handling Included)
"Phoebe & Friend"
She is made of mohair and is fully jointed. She is stuffed with Poly-fil® and is weighted with shot. Her glass eyes were clear and were painted with brown metallic fingernail polish. Her dress and bloomers were hand made. She is 17 inches tall.
Her little "Friend" is also made of mohair, fully jointed, filled with Poly-fil®, and has glass eyes. He is 7 inches tall.
Price: $225.00
(Shipping and Handling Including)
Sold with vintage science book.
"Himself" is a bit of a scruffy fellow, but he knows that he's handsome and he can turn on the charm.
He is made of mohair and is fully jointed. He is stuffed with Poly-fil® and has glass eyes. His pads are trimmed mohair. He is 12 inches tall. (He is made from the same pattern as "Herself.")
Price: $140.00
(Shipping and Handling Included)
"Herself" is a lovely blond bear. She's a smart lady and she knows blarney when she hears it. (But she doesn't mind a compliment or two!)
She is made of mohair and is fully jointed. She is stuffed with Poly-fil® and has glass eyes. Her pads are trimmed mohair. She is 12 inches. (She is made from the same pattern as "Himself.")
Price: $140.00
(Shipping and Handling Included)
"Himself and Herself"
Sold together Price: $250.00
(Shipping and Handling Included)
"Harris 1" (Sold)
I love working with the "Harris" pattern. He always seems serious and wise and a little bit shy. However this guys does think that a bright plaid bow is not too "over the top"!
He is made of mohair and is fully jointed. He is stuffed with Poly-fil® and has glass eyes. His pads and ear lining are trimmed mohair. He is 15 1/2 inches tall (heels to tips of ears ). His ears are wired.
Price: $175.00 SOLD
(Shipping and Handling Included)
"Harris 2"
This "Harris" seems a little older than his brother. He seems a little more laid back and he always looks like he has something to say. He prefers subtle plaids and seems content to be an observer!
He is made of mohair and is fully jointed. He is stuffed with Poly-fil® and has green glass eyes. His pads and ear linings are trimmed mohair. He is 15 1/2 inches tall (heels to tips of ears). His ears are wired.
Price: $175.00
(Shipping and Handling Included)
"Nordelle" "Nordette"
I was a little girl in the 1950's. I remember seeing the mother/daughter and the big sister outfits in the Montgomery Ward© mail order catalog (I used to cut them out and play paper dolls with them). Polka dots--white on a color--was very popular. My dress was red with white dots and it had a big swirly skirt. So when it came time to dress my two polar bear girls, I put them in purple with polka dots.
The taller girl is "Nordelle." She is the big sister who liked the dress first and really didn't want to match her little sister. She made sure at least one of the silly roses was in a more sophisticated spot.
"Nordette" wants to be just like her sister. She doesn't care what anyone says about the matching dresses.
"Nordelle" and "Nordette" are made of mohair and are fully jointed. They are both stuffed with Poly-fil®and have glass eyes. Their dresses are hand made and their shoes are purchased doll shoes. They are both weighted with shot.
"Nordelle" is 15 inches and "Nordette" is 11 inches.
"Nordelle" (Stand included)
Price: $165.00
(Shipping and Handling Included)
"Nordette" (Stand included)
Price: $130.00
(Shipping and Handling Included)
Together Price: $275.00
"Pretty in Pink and Pinky"
"Pretty in Pink" or "PiP" as she is known o her friends and family loves the color pink. Pinkie is her little companion. They like to keep each other company and not get dirty!
"PiP" is made of mohair, is fully jointed, stuffed with Poly-fil®, and has glass eyes. Her outfit is handmade. She is 8 inches tall.
"Pinky" is made of mohair, is fully jointed, stuffed with Poly-fil®, and has glass eyes. Her outfit is handmade. She is 5 inches tall.
"Pretty in Pink and Pinky" are sold as a set. (Wood box with flowered tiled top is included)
Price: $140.00
(Shipping and Handling Included)
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